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Journal : AL-ASASIYYA: Journal Of Basic Education

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AL-ASASIYYA: Journal Of Basic Education Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Januari-Juni
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (438.971 KB) | DOI: 10.24269/ajbe.v4i2.2699


Interest in reading Indonesian people, especially the level of MI/SD children is still relatively low because they prefer playing online games, watching television etc. This factor causes their ability to read is still lacking. In addition, there are reading books (both storybooks and textbooks) in school institutions that are still monotonous with colourless pictures so that children are easily bored and are not interested in reading them. Based on the above phenomenon, the reading interest of MI/SD children must be increased by the teacher because "books are a repository of knowledge and reading can open the horizons of the world". The use of learning media to foster children's interest in reading is with a picture book series. This series of picture books is more developed if the teacher dares to be creative by making colourful pictures equipped with simple sentences that can interest children to read them. This series picture book is effectively used in learning elementary school children because it contains games and also education. In the picture book series, there are several learning activities including observing, telling, reading and sorting pictures so that it becomes a complete story. Furthermore, teachers can add/collaborate on strategies or methods that can support the use of series picture books to be more innovative in each lesson.
AL-ASASIYYA: Journal Of Basic Education Vol 2, No 2 (2018): Januari-Juni
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (233.028 KB) | DOI: 10.24269/ajbe.v2i2.1116


The main tasks of teachers include bridging students to be able to adapt to various challenges such as the urges experienced and developed within the individual itself. The challenges faced by the world of education include producing quality human resources so as to overcome the demands of a competitive nature. Teacher professional competencies include pedagogical, personality, social, and professional competence. A teacher is a figure of a leader who deserves to be imitated in building and shaping the character of his students so that later useful for religion, nation and country. Three cultures that are considered important in an effort to improve the professionalism of teachers is the culture of reading, writing and researching. Reality, until now Indonesian people including teachers has not made reading, writing and researching as a culture in everyday life. Teacher homeroom teacher at MI/SD level must master enough subjects and can use the model and the right method of learning, one of them on the lessons of Indonesia language. Professional skills of teachers at MI/SD level can be achieved by holding PTK (Research Action Class), play an active interactive in the development of science in accordance with the cluster of teaching through seminars and workshops, but also must master the competence of ICT (information and communication technology) as a means of self-development with the use of tools in the form of media.
Urgency of implementing adab for students of elementary school in the perspective of the Qur’an and hadith Lilis Sumaryanti; Aldo Redho Syam; Azid Syukroni
AL-ASASIYYA: Journal Of Basic Education Vol 5, No 1 (2020): Juli-Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Adab is very important in life, be it one's own life, family or social life and what is more important is adab to Allah and His Messenger. Cultivating adab for students of elementary school is an effort taught to students to shape them into true and noble Muslims before Allah, His Messenger, and fellow humans because adab is a barometer of the perfection of faith. The purpose of writing this study is to describe the urgency of implementing adab for students of elementary school from the perspective of the Qur’an and hadith. This research is the result of a literature review with data obtained from document study studies, both from reference books and international and national scientific journals. This study suggests that the Qur’an and hadith have explained a lot about the importance of adab in the daily life of a muslim. The application of adab for students of elementary school, as explained in the Qur’an and hadith is a form of effort that is taught to them to realize insan kamil kaffah and able to carry out the knowledge that has been taught to them perfectly and maintain it completely so that it can be useful in this world and the hereafter.
AL-ASASIYYA: Journal Of Basic Education Vol 3, No 1 (2018): Juli-Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (332.31 KB) | DOI: 10.24269/ajbe.v3i1.1332


In an increasingly sophisticated era of globalization, the challenges of the times demand that all be developed, including having broad knowledge and knowledge and supported by positive habituation, namely by cultivating literacy in everyday life. The process of introducing and planting literacy must begin at an early age so that this habituation can be inherent in each individual. Consumptive souls who want everything to be instantaneous by utilizing certain tools to simplify work and can make time efficient become obstacles for the community to cultivate literacy. This problem causes the reading interest of the next generation to decline. Literary works have been known since ancient times. Evidenced by the many works that have been produced, one of them is a fairy tale. Fairy tales are literacy works produced by previous ancestors as a form of literary culture. The creation of this tale is an effort to move the culture of literacy of the next generation. Literacy culture by reading fairy tales is an effort of parents to help early childhood in developing self-potential and teach life experiences because in the "golden age" children develop in imitation.
AL-ASASIYYA: Journal Of Basic Education Vol 1, No 2 (2017): Januari-Juni
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (276.628 KB) | DOI: 10.24269/ajbe.v1i2.685


The duty of an educator is giving a knowledge to their students, train a skill, as well as to determine direction and belief. In implementing the tasks and this requirement so an educator must have patience, creativity, be an example and had to have basic knowledge in teaching, belong applies the methods of truth and a proper.Therefore, the use of the proper model is also necessary for The elementary school subdistrict Slahung, district Ponorogo, learning the Indonesian language his ability to read technical use the model talking stick with music a student of The elementary school subdistrict Slahung, district Ponorogo years lessons 2016/2017 increase.The increase was shown as follows: (1) in cycle 1 first meeting motivation ( interest ), the role of and liveliness students in reading technical increased than before use the model talking stick with music , are still less maximally because the outcomes learning still about 60 % , (2) cycle 1 the second lessons students have somewhat increased to 70 % , (3) cycle 2 and sub-basic subjects of different from the round first and second but still use the model talking stick with music in Learning so interest, the role of and liveliness students in reading technical in and teaching process increase with the outcomes learning around 80 % .This proves that model talking stick with music acceptably well by students because in it contains elements learning while playing